1 [D and p38 read: Now upon Paul's desiring – according to {his} personal wish and intent – to continue traveling into Jerusalem, the Breath-effect (or: Spirit) told him to be progressively turned back into Asia]. So it happened during the [occasion] for Apollos to be within Corinth, [that] Paul, passing through the upper parts (= mountainous or highland regions; or: = by an inland route), came down into Ephesus. Then, upon finding certain disciples, he said to them,
2 "Since trusting, believing and being loyal, did you folks receive [the] Set-apart Breath-effect (or: Holy Spirit; or: a holy spirit and attitude)?" Yet these [said] to him, "To the contrary, we have not even heard if there is (or: exists) a Set-apart Breath-effect (or: Holy Spirit; or: consecrated spirit and attitude; [D* and p38 read: we have not so much as heard of any one's receiving a holy spirit])."
3 So he said, "Into what, therefore (or: then), were you folks immersed (or: baptized)?" And they said, "Into the immersion that originated with (or: which had the character of and pertained to; which was carried out by) John."
4 Yet Paul said, "John immersed (or: baptized) [into] an immersion (a baptism) of a change of thinking for the people, repeatedly saying that they could and should at once put their trust in, believe and place loyalty into the One progressively coming after him – that is, into Jesus."
5 Now, upon hearing [this], they were at once immersed (or: baptized) into the Name of the Lord Jesus.
6 Then, after (or: during) Paul's placing [his] hands upon them, the Set-apart Breath-effect (or: the Holy Spirit) came [p38 and D read: immediately fell] upon them and they began speaking in languages (or: with tongues), and then began (or: and continued) prophesying (speaking light ahead of time and in front of people).
7 There were about twelve adult men, [in] all.
8 Now upon entering into the synagogue, [D adds: in union with great power and ability] he began speaking publicly with the boldness and freedom which comes from citizenship – making this a habit for about three months – repeatedly holding discussions while thoroughly laying thoughts out with reasonings, as well as habitually seeking to persuade and endeavoring to convince [folks; other MSS read: {about} things], concerning the reign of God (or: about God's kingdom; sovereign influences and activities which are God).
9 Yet, as certain folks were being progressively dried up and began to be made hard and stiff, they continued unconvinced (unpersuaded) and began being uncompliant and obstinate, repeatedly speaking bad, worthless and malicious things about the Way before the crowd (or: multitude) [D adds: of the ethnic groups (or: nations). At that point,] immediately withdrawing from them, he set boundaries to separate the disciples (the folks who were learning) away from [them], continuing in daily holding discussions while thoroughly laying thoughts out with reasonings [D adds: from eleven o'clock in the morning until four in the afternoon] in the school (or: lecture hall or auditorium; or: place for leisure) of (or: belonging to) Tyrannus.
10 Now this took place for two years, so that all the folks permanently living in (or: normally inhabiting) [the province of] Asia [had the chance] to at some point listen to and hear the Logos of the Lord (or: = Christ's Word; or: [Yahweh] 's thought and idea; or: the message about, and which is, the Lord) – both Jews and Greeks.