16 Now may our Lord, Jesus Christ Himself, even (or: and) our God and Father, the One loving us and giving a calling alongside pertaining to the Age (or: performance as a Paraclete with age-lasting aid; eonian relief, encouragement, consolation and admonition) as well as a good expectation (or: a virtuous and excellent hope) in grace (or: in union with favor),
17 be at once calling your hearts alongside and establishing (making to stand fast; making stable and firm) you in every good (or: excellent; virtuous) work and word (or: thought; idea; message) [with other MSS: in all the Word and in virtuous action].
3 1 The remainder (or: What is left; Finally), brothers (= fellow believers), keep on praying concerning us (surrounding us with words and thoughts having goodness and well-being), to the end that the Word of the Lord (or: the Lord's idea and message) would continuously run (move quickly) and may constantly be made glorious (or: be characterized by a manifestation which calls forth praise; be of good reputation), according as [it is and does] also with you,