1 Timothy 3:8-15

JMNT(i) 8 Attending servants, similarly, [should be] serious (dignified with gravity) – not double-talking (or: speaking with double meanings; or: divided in thought or reason), neither [being] folks having a propensity toward much wine, nor people eager for dishonorable (deformed or ugly; = dishonest) gain – 9 continuously holding (or: having) the secret (or: mystery) of the faith (trust; loyalty) within (or: in union with) a clean conscience. 10 And so, let these folks also be first put through a process of examination, testing and proving. Thereafter, let them be regularly giving supporting service [to the community], being folks that have not been called up before a judge (or: free from accusation; unimpeachable). 11 Women (or: Wives) [of the community], similarly, [should be] serious (dignified with majestic gravity, inspiring awe), not devils (or: adversaries; women who thrust things through folks), sober (unintoxicated; clear-headed; moderate in habits), full of faith and trust (or: faithful; trustworthy; loyal) in all things. 12 Let those giving supporting service be adult males having a relationship with one woman (or: husbands of one wife), habitually placing themselves in front of their children, as well as their own households, to beautifully (or: finely; ideally) lead, protect and provide [for them]. 13 You see, those giving supporting service in a beautiful and ideal manner continue in (or: by; for; among) themselves building around themselves a beautiful (fine; excellent; ideal) circular staircase (that which enables folks to step up to a higher place) and much freedom of speech (confident outspokenness and boldness which is the right of citizens) resident within faith, trust and loyalty – that which is resident within, and in union with, Christ Jesus. 14 I am writing these things to you, expecting to come toward you swiftly (in quickness; or: = soon), 15 but if ever I should be slow (or: delay), [I am writing this] to the end that you may see and thus know how it is necessary and binding to be twisted and turned back up again within God's household (or: to be treated, conducted or caused to behave in God's house), which is (or: exists being) a called-out community of [the] Living God (or: whose source is a living God; which has the qualities and character of [the] living God; or: which is a living god), a pillar and foundational seat of The Truth (or: a base from and an effect of a settling of reality),