1 Corinthians 2:14-16

JMNT(i) 14 But a soulish person (a human which is dominated by, or living focused on, his breath [= the present transient life], or by those things which characterize the soul [emotions; will; intellect; physical life; internal welfare; the self; the ego]) does not normally accept (or: habitually get or welcomingly receive the offer of) the things of God's Breath-effect (or: which have the character and quality of the Spirit of God; pertaining to God's spirit and attitude), for they are stupidity to him (foolishness for him; nonsense in him), and he continues unable and habitually has no power to intimately and experientially know [them] or get insight, because they continue being sifted and held up for close spiritual examination (are normally evaluated spiritually above; are constantly brought back for spiritual separation and attitudinal discernment; are progressively re-evaluated through means of the Breath-effect and comparison to the Attitude; or: are pneumatically discerned). 15 Yet the spiritual person (one dominated by and focused on spirit or the realm of the Spirit, and characterized by the qualities of spirit: the Wind which continuously moves across the land; or: the pneumatic person) is, on the one hand, continuously sifting and re-evaluating (habitually separating and deciding from above on; progressively holding things up for close examination of) all things and all humanity, yet, on the other hand, he is being sifted and held up for close examination or decision by no one. 16 For, "Who intimately knows (or: experientially knew) [the] Lord's [= Yahweh's] mind? Who will proceed to co-habit with (mount, as male with female; come together so as to unite with and be knit with) Him?" [Isa. 40:13, LXX; note: for mind the Heb. text has Spirit] Yet we, ourselves, are continuously holding (or: progressively having) Christ's mind (a mind which is Anointed, and which is Christ)!