2 Kings 10:34-35

IHOT(i) (In English order)
  34 H3499 ויתר Now the rest H1697 דברי of the acts H3058 יהוא of Jehu, H3605 וכל and all H834 אשׁר that H6213 עשׂה he did, H3605 וכל and all H1369 גבורתו his might, H3808 הלוא not H1992 הם they H3789 כתובים written H5921 על in H5612 ספר the book H1697 דברי of the chronicles H3117 הימים of the chronicles H4428 למלכי of the kings H3478 ישׂראל׃ of Israel?
  35 H7901 וישׁכב slept H3058 יהוא And Jehu H5973 עם with H1 אבתיו his fathers: H6912 ויקברו and they buried H853 אתו   H8111 בשׁמרון him in Samaria. H4427 וימלך reigned H3059 יהואחז And Jehoahaz H1121 בנו his son H8478 תחתיו׃ in his stead.