Nehemiah 8:15-17

Great(i) 15 & that they shulde cause it to be declared and proclamed in all theyr cyties, & thorow out Ierusalem, sayenge: go forth vnto the mount, and fetch Olyue braunches, Pyne braunches, Myrbraunches, Palmebraunches, and braunches of thicke trees, to make bothes, as it is wrytten. 16 And so the people went forth, and sett them, and made them bothes, euery one vpon the rofe of his house, & in theyr courtes, & in the courtes of the house of God, and in the strete by the watergate, and in the strete by porte Ephraim. 17 And all the congregacion of them that were come agayne out of the captiuite, made bothes, & sat vnder the bothes: for sence the tyme of Iosua the sonne of Nun vnto this daye, had not the chyldren of Israel done so, and ther was very greate gladnesse.