Nehemiah 7:73-8:2

Great(i) 73 And the preastes & Leuites, the Porters, and the syngers, & the other of the people, and the Nethinims, & all Israel, dwelt in their cyties. And the seuenth moneth came, and the chyldren of Israel were in theyr cyties. 8 1 And all the people geathered them selues together as one man in the strete that was before the watergate, and they sayde vnto Esdras the scrybe, that he shulde fetch the boke of the lawe of Moses, whych the Lorde commaunded to Israel. 2 And Esdras the preast brought the lawe before the congregacion both of men and wemen, and all that coulde vnderstande dyd herken vnto it, vpon the fyrst daye of the seuenth moneth,