Luke 23:13-21

Great(i) 13 And Pylate called together the hye Prestes and the rulers, and the people, 14 and sayde vnto them: ye haue brought thys man vnto me, as one that peruerteth the people. And beholde, I examyn hym before you, and fynde no faute in thys man, of those thynges where of ye accuse hym: 15 No nor yet Herode. For I sent you to hym: and lo, nothynge worthy of deeth is done to hym. 16 I wyll therfore chasten hym, and let hym losse. 17 For of necessyte, he must haue let one losse vnto them at the feast. 18 And all the people cryed at once, sayinge: awaye wyth hym, and delyuer to vs Barrabas: 19 (whych for a certayne insurreccyon made in the cytie and for morther, was cast in preson) 20 Pylate spake agayne to them wyllynge to let Iesus losse, 21 But they cryed, sayinge: Crucifye hym, Crucifye hym.