24 for as the lyghtenynge that apereth out of the one parte that is vnder heauen, & shyneth vnto the other parte which is vnder heauen, so shall the sonne of man be in hys dayes.
25 But fyrst must he suffre many thynges & be refused of this nacion.
26 And as it happened in the dayes of Noe: so shall it be also in the dayes of the sonne of man.
27 They dyd eate & dryncke, they maryed wyues and were maried, euen vnto that same daye that Noe went into the Arke: and the floude cam, and destroyed them all.
28 Lykewyse also as it chaunced in the dayes of Lot. They dyd eate, they drancke, they bought, they solde they planted, they buylded:
29 But euen the same daye that Lot went out of Zodom, it rayned with fyre and brymstone from heauen, & destroyed them all.
30 Euen thus, shall it be in the daye, when the sonne of man shall appere.
31 At that daye he that is on the house topp, and his stuffe in the house: let him not come downe to take it out. And let not him that is in the felde, turne backe agayne to the thinges that he lefte behinde.
32 Remember Lottes wyfe.
33 Whosoeuer wyll go aboute to saue his lyfe, shal lose it: and whosoeuer shall lose his lyfe, shall saue it.
34 I tell you: in that night ther shalbe two in one bed, the one shalbe receaued, the other shalbe forsaken:
35 Two shalbe agryndynge together: the one shalbe receaued, and the other forsaken.
36 37 And they answered, and sayd to him, where Lorde. He sayde vnto them: whersoeuer the body shalbe, thyther wyll also that Egles be gathered together.