3 And the Lord sayde: lyke as my seruaunt Esay hath walked naked, and bare fote for a signe and wonder thre yeares vpon Egypte, and Ethiopia:
4 Euen so shall the kynge of Assyria take awaye out of Egypte and out of Ethiopia, chyldren and olde men, naked and bare fote wyth their loynes vncouered, to the greate shame of Egypte.
5 They shalbe brought in feare also, & asshamed one of another: Ethiopia of Egypte, and Egypte of Ethiopia, considerynge what glory they were in a fore.
6 And they that dwell in the same yle, shal saye in that daye: Beholde, thus are we regarded. Whither shall we flye for helpe, that we maye be delyuered from the kyng of Assyria? And howe shall we escape?