Ezekiel 43:13-17

Great(i) 13 Thys is the measure of the aultar, after the true cubite: which is a spanne longer then another cubyte, his botome in the middest was a cubite longe and wyde, and the ledge that went rounde about it, was a spanne broade. This is the heyght of the aulter. 14 From the ground to the lower steppes, the length is two cubites: and the bredth one cubite: and from the lower steppes to the hygher, are foure cubytes, and the bredth but one cubite. 15 The aultar was .iiij. cubytes hye, and from the aultar vpwarde stode .iiij. hornes, 16 and it was .xij. cubytes longe and .xij. cubites broade, vpon the foure corners: 17 the couering of the aultar was .xiiij. cubites longe & broad vpon the foure corners, and the ledge that went rounde about had halfe a cubite, and the botome therof rounde about one cubite: hys steppes stode towarde the east.