Ezekiel 44

Great(i) 1 After this, he brought me againe to the outwarde dore of the sanctuary on the east syde, and that was shut. 2 Then sayd the Lord vnto me: This dore shalbe styll shut: & not opened for eny man to go thorowe it: but only for the Lorde God of Israel: yee, he shall go thorowe it, els shall it be shut styll. 3 The prince hym selfe shall come thorowe it, that he maye eate bread before the Lorde. At the porche shall he come in, and there shall he go out againe. 4 Then brought he me to the dore vpon the north syde of the house. And as I loked aboute me, beholde, the glory of the Lord fylled the house: and I fell downe vpon my face. 5 So the Lorde spake vnto me: O thou sonne of man, fasten thys to thyne herte: beholde, and take diligent hede to all that I wyll saye vnto the, concernyng all the ordynaunces of the Lord, & all his lawes: pondre well with thyne hert the commynge in of the house and the goyng forth of the sanctuary: 6 & tell that obstynate housholde of Israell. Thus sayth the Lorde God: O house of Israel, ye haue nowe don ynough withall your abhominacyons, 7 seyng that ye haue brought into my sanctuary straungers, hauyng vncircumcysed hertes and fleshe, where thorowe my sanctuary is defyled, when ye offre me bread, fatt, and bloude. Thus with all youre abhominacions ye haue broken my couenaunt, 8 and not kepte the holy ordynaunces of my sanctuary: but sett kepers of my sanctuary, euen after youre awne mynde. 9 Therfore thus sayth the Lorde God: Of all the straungers that dwell among the chyldren of Israel, no straunger (whose hert and fleshe is not circumcised) shall come within my sanctuary. 10 No, ner the leuites that ben gone backe fro me: and haue disceaued the people of Israel with all erroures, goyng after theyr ydoles: therfore shall they beare their awne wyckednes. 11 Shulde they be set and ordeined to ministre vnder the dores of the house of my sanctuary? And to do seruyce in the house: to slaye burntofferynges and sacrifyces for the people: to stande before them, and to serue them, 12 seynge the seruyce that they do them, is before theyr ydoles, and cause the house of Israel to stomble thorowe theyr wickednes? For the which cause I haue pluckte oute myne hande ouer them, sayth the Lorde, so that nowe they must beare theyr awne iniquitie, 13 and not to come nye me, to serue me with theyr presthode, in my sanctuary, and moost holyest of all: that they maye beare theyr awne shame and abhominations, which they haue done. 14 Shulde I vse them to be porters of the house, and to all the seruyce that is done therin? 15 But the prestes, the leuites, the sonne of Sadoch, that kepte the holy ordynaunces of my sanctuary, when the chyldren of Israel were gone fro me, shall come to me, to do me seruyce, to stande before me, and to offre me the fat and the bloude, sayth the Lorde God. 16 They shall go into my sanctuary, and treade before my table: to do me seruyce, and to wayte vpon myne ordynaunces. 17 Nowe when they go in at the dores of the ynnermer court: they shall put on lynen clothes, so that no wollyne come vpon them whyle they do seruice vnder the dores of the innermer court, and within. 18 They shall haue fayre linen bonettes vpon their heades, and lynen breches vpon their loynes, which in their labour they shall not put about them. 19 And when they go forth to the people into the outwarde court, they shall put of the clothes wherin they haue ministred, and laye them in the habitation of the sanctuary, and put on other apparell, lest they vnhalowe the people with theyr clothes. 20 They shall not shaue theyr heades, ner norysh the bushe of theyr heare, but rounde theyr heades onely. 21 All the prestes that go into the inmost court, shall dryncke no wyne. 22 They shall mary no wedowe, nether one that is put from her husbande: but a mayde of the seede of the house of Israel, or a wedowe that hath had a preste before. 23 They shall shewe my people the difference betwene the holy and vnholy, betwixt the cleane and vncleane. 24 If any discord arise, they shall discerne it: & geue sentence after my iudgementes. My solempne feastes, my lawes and ordinaunces shall they kepe, and halowe my sabbathes. 25 They shall come at no deed persone to defyle them selues, except it be father or mother, sonne or daughter, brother or syster, that hath had yet no husbande, in soch maye they be defyled. 26 And when he is clensed, ther shalbe rekened vnto him .vij. dayes: 27 and yf he go into the sanctuary agayn to do seruice, he shall bring a synoffering, sayth the Lorde God. 28 They shall haue an heritage: yee, I my selfe wyll be their heritage: els shall ye geue them no possession in Israel, for I am their possessyon. 29 The meatofferynges, synofferyng and trespaceofferinge shall they eate, & euery dedicate thynge in Israel, shalbe theyrs. 30 The fyrstlinges of all the fyrst frutes, and all frewyllofferinges shalbe the prestes. Ye shall geue vnto the preste also all the fyrst frute of your first borne, all I say, & all that is separated vnto God, all youre heueofferinges (I saye) shalbe the prestes, & also the fyrstlinges of your dough, that God maye prospere the residue. 31 But no deed caryon shall the prest eate, ner soch as is deuoured of wilde beastes, foules or catell: