Ezekiel 41:13-17

Great(i) 13 So he measured the house which was an .C. cubytes longe, and the separated buylding with the wall were an .C. cubytes longe also. 14 The wydenes before the house, and of it that was separated towarde the east, was an .C. cubytes. 15 And he measured the length of the buylding before and behynde with the chambres vpon both the sydes: and it conteyned an .C. cubytes. The ynnermer temple, the porch of the fore court, 16 the syde postes, these thre had syde wyndowes and pyllers rounde about ouer agaynst the postes, from the grounde vp to the wyndowes. The wyndowes them selues were syled ouer with bordes: 17 and thus was it aboue the dore vnto the ynmost house: and without also. Yee, the whole wall on euery syde both within and without was silled ouer with great borders.