1 After this, he brought me to the temple, and measured the postes, which were of both sydes syxe cubites thicke, accordyng to the widenes of the tabernacle.
2 The bredth of the dore was .x. cubites, & the walles of the dore on eyther syde .v. cubites. He measured the length therof, which conteyned .xl. cubites, & the bredth .xx.
3 Then went he in & measured the dore postes: which were two cubites thicke: but the dore it selfe was syxe cubites, and the bredth of the dore was, .vij. cubites.
4 He measured the length and bredth therof, which were euery one .xx. cubites, before the temple. And he sayde vnto me: this is the holiest of all.
5 He measured also the wall of the house, which was .vi. cubites. The chambres that stode rounde about the house, were euery one .iiij. cubites wyde:
6 and one stode harde vpon another, wherof ther were .xxxiij. ther stode postes beneth by the walles rounde about the house, to beare them vp: but in the wall of the house, they were not fastened.
7 The syde chambres were, the hyer the wyder, & had steppes thorowe them rounde about the house. Thus was it wyder aboue, that from the lowest men myght go to the hyest by the mydd chambres.
8 I sawe also that the house was very hye rounde aboute. The foundacyon of the syde chambres was a meterodde, that is .vi. cubites broade.
9 The thicknes of the syde wall without, conteined .v. cubites, and so dyd the outwall of the chambres in the house.
10 Betwene the chambres was the wydenes .xx. cubites rounde about the house.
11 The chambre dores stode ouer agaynst the outwall, the one dore was toward the north, the other towarde the south: and the thycknesse of the outwall was .v. cubites rounde about
12 Nowe the buylding that was separated towarde the west, was .lxx. cubites wyde: the wall of the buylding was .v. cubytes thicke rounde about, and the length foure score cubites & ten.
13 So he measured the house which was an .C. cubytes longe, and the separated buylding with the wall were an .C. cubytes longe also.
14 The wydenes before the house, and of it that was separated towarde the east, was an .C. cubytes.
15 And he measured the length of the buylding before and behynde with the chambres vpon both the sydes: and it conteyned an .C. cubytes. The ynnermer temple, the porch of the fore court,
16 the syde postes, these thre had syde wyndowes and pyllers rounde about ouer agaynst the postes, from the grounde vp to the wyndowes. The wyndowes them selues were syled ouer with bordes:
17 and thus was it aboue the dore vnto the ynmost house: and without also. Yee, the whole wall on euery syde both within and without was silled ouer with great borders.
18 There were cherubins and date trees made also, so that one date tree stode euer betwixte to cherubyns. One cherub had two faces,
19 the face of a man lokyng asyde toward the date tree, & a lions face on the other syde. Thus was it made rounde about in all the house.
20 Yee, the cherubyns and date trees were made from the grounde vp aboue the dore, and so stode they also vpon the wall of the temple.
21 The bypostes of the temple were fouresquared, and the fashyon of the sanctuarye was euen as it appeared vnto me afore in the vision.
22 The table was of wodde .iij. cubites hye and .ij. cubytes longe: hys corners, the length & the walles were of wodde. And he sayde vnto me: Thys is the table, that shall stande before the Lorde.
23 The temple and the holyest of all had eyther of them two dores.
24 and euery dore had .ij. lytle wyckettes which were folden in one vpon another, on euery side two.
25 And vpon the dores of the temple, ther were made cherubins and date trees, like as vpon the walles: and a greate thycke balke of wodde was before on the out syde of the porche.
26 Upon both the sydes of the walles of the porch, there were made depe wyndowes and date trees, hauyng beames and balkes, lyke as the house had.