Ezekiel 41:13-17

Bishops(i) 13 So he measured the house, which was a hundred cubites long, and the separate place and the buylding with the walles were a hundred cubites long also 14 The breadth also of the forefront of the house and of the separate place towarde the east, was a hundred cubites 15 And he measured the length of the buylding ouer against the separate place which was behynde it, and the chambers on the one side & on the other side a hundreth cubites, with the temple within, and the porches of the court 16 The doore postes, and the narow windowes, & the chambers round about, on three sides ouer against the doore, seeled with wood round about, and from the ground vp to the windowes: and the windowes themselues were seeled 17 And from aboue the doore vnto the house within and without, and vpon euery wall rounde about within and without, [toke he] measure