Exodus 9:13-18

Great(i) 13 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses: ryse vp early in the mornynge, and stande before Pharao, & thou shalt tell hym: thus sayth the Lord God of the Ebrues: Let my people go, that they maye serue me: 14 or els I will at this tyme sende all my plages vpon thine herte, and vpon thy seruauntes and on thy people, that thou mayest knowe, that there is none lyke me in all the earth. 15 For nowe I wyll stretch out my hande, that I maye smyte the and thy people with pestilence: and thou shalt perysh from the earth. 16 And in very dede for this cause haue I kepte the, for to shewe the my power: and that they might declare my name thorowout all the world. 17 Yet thou exaltest thy selfe agaynste my people, that thou wylt not let them go: 18 beholde, to morowe thys tyme I wyll sende downe a myghty great hayle: euen soche a one as was not in Egipt, sens it was grounded vnto thys tyme.