1 Chyldren, obey youre fathers and mothers in the Lorde: for that is ryght
2 Honoure thy father and mother, (the same is the fyrst commaundement in the promes)
3 that thou mayst prospere, and lyue longe on the erth.
4 Ye fathers moue not youre chyldren to wrath: but brynge them vp thorowe the doctryne and informacyon of the Lorde.
5 Ye seruauntes, obeye them that are youre bodely masters, with feare & tremblynge, euen with the synglenes of youre herte, as vnto Christ:
6 not doynge seruice vnto the eye, as they that go about to please men: but as the seruauntes of Christ, doynge the wyll of God from the herte
7 with good wyll, seruynge the Lorde, and not men.
8 Knowynge thys, that whatsoeuer good thynge eny man doeth, the same shall he receaue agayne of God, whether he be bonde or fre.
9 And ye masters, do euen the same thynges vnto them puttinge awaye threatenynges: Knowynge, that youre master also is in heauen, nether is ther eny respecte of person with hym.