Deuteronomy 1:26-32

Great(i) 26 Notwithstandynge ye wolde not consente to goo vp, but were disobedient vnto the mouth of the Lord youre God, 27 and murmured in youre tentes, & sayde: because the Lorde hateth vs, therfore hath he brought vs out of the lande of Egypte, to delyuer vs into the hande of the Amorites, and to destroye vs. 28 Howe shal we goo vp? Oure brethren haue discoraged oure herte, sayinge: the people is greater & taller then we, and haue cyties greate and walled euen vp to heauen, & moreouer we haue sene the sonnes of the Enakims there. 29 And I sayde vnto you: dreade not, nor be afrayed of them. 30 The Lorde youre God which goeth before you, he shall fyghte for you, accordynge to all that he dyd vnto you in Egypte before youre eyes. 31 In the wyldernersse also thou hast sene howe that the Lorde thy God bare the, euen as a man doth beare hys sonne, in all the waye whyche ye haue gone by, vntyll ye came vnto thys place. 32 And yet in this thyng ye dyd not beleue the Lorde youre God.