Numbers 14:1-4

Great(i) 1 And all the multitude of the people cryed out, and wepte thorowout that nyght, 2 and all the chyldren of Israel murmured agaynst Moses and Aaron. And the whole congregacyon sayde vnto them: wolde God that we hadd dyed in the lande of Egypte, eyther that we had dyed in thys wildernes. 3 Wherfore hath the Lorde brought vs vnto thys lande to fall vpon the swearde: and that our wyues, and oure children shulde be a praye? Were it not better, that we retourne vnto Egypte agayne? 4 And they sayde one to another: We wyll make a captayne, and retourne vnto Egipt agayne.