2 For the kynge sayde to Ioab the captayne of his host: go thou abroade nowe, thorow out all the trybes of Israel, euen from Dan to Beer Seba, & nombre ye the people, that I maye knowe the nombre of them.
3 And Ioab sayde vnto the kynge: I beseche the Lorde thy God, to make the people as many moo as they be: ye and an hundred tymes so many mo, and that the eyes of my Lorde the kynge maye se them. And what is the cause that my Lorde the kynge hath a lust to this thinge?
4 Not witstandynge the kynges worde preuayled agaynst Ioab and agaynst the captaynes of the hoste: And Ioab and the captaynes of the host went out from the presence of the kynge, to nombre the people of Israel.
5 And they passed ouer Iordan, and pitched in Aroer on the ryght syde of the cytie that lyeth in the myddes of the valeye of Gad, ouer agaynst Iazer.
6 And then they came to Gilead, and to the nether lande, where was a newe habitacyon, & from thence they came to Dan Iaan about to Sidon,
7 & came to the stronge holde of Tyre, and to all the cyties of the Heuites and of the Cananites, & then went out to the South of Iuda, euen to Beerseba.
8 And so, when they had bene abroade thorowe out all the lande, they returned to Ierusalem agayne, after the ende of nyne monethes and twentye dayes.
9 And Ioab delyuered vp the nombre and summe of the people vnto the kynge. And there were in Israel eyghte hundred thousande men of myght that drewe swerdes. And the men of Iuda were fyue hundred thousande men.
10 And Dauids hert smote hym, after that he had nombred the people. And Dauid sayde vnto the Lorde: I haue synned excedyngly in that I haue done. And nowe Lorde take awaye the trespace of thy seruaunt: for I haue done very folyshely.
11 And when Dauid was vp in a morninge, the worde of the Lord came vnto the prophet Gad Dauids sear, sayinge:
12 go and saye vnto Dauid, thus sayth the Lord: I offer the thre thynges, chose the which of them I shall do vnto the.
13 So Gad came to Dauid, and shewed him, & sayde vnto him. Wilt thou haue seuen yeres hunger to come in thy lande, or wilt thou flee .iij. monethes before thyne enemies, they folowinge the, or that there be thre dayes pestilence in thy lande? Nowe therfore aduyse the, & se, what answere I shall geue to him that sent me.
14 And Dauid sayde vnto Gad: I am in extreme trouble. We will fall now into the hande of the Lorde, for moch is his mercye, and lett me not falle into the hande of man.
15 And so the Lorde sent a pestilence in Israel. from the mornynge vnto the tyme appoynted. And there dyed of the people from Dan to Beerseba seuenty thousande men.