2 Samuel 12:9-11

Great(i) 9 Wherfore then hast thou despised the commaundement of the Lorde, to do wyckednesse in hys syght? thou hast kylde Urias the Hethite with the swerde, and hast taken his wife to thy wyfe, & hast slayne hym with the swerde of the chyldren of Ammon. 10 Nowe therfore, the swerde shall neuer depart from thyne house, because thou hast despysed me, and taken the wyfe of Urias the Hethite, to be thy wife. 11 Wherfore thus sayth the Lorde: beholde, I wyll stere vp euell agaynst the, euen out of thyne awne house, & wyll take thy wyues before thyne eyes, and geue them vnto thy neyghboure, and he shall lye wyth thy wyues in the syght of the sonne.