2 Samuel 11:15-21

Great(i) 15 And he wrote thus in the letter, sayeng: put Urias in the forefront of the sharper battell, and come ye backe from hym, that he maye be smytten and dye. 16 So whan Ioab beseged the cytie, he assygned Urias vnto a place, where he wyst that stronge men were. 17 And the men of the cytie cam out, and fought wyth Ioab. And there were certen ouerthrowen of the people, and of the seruauntes of Dauid, and Urias the Hethite dyed also. 18 Then Ioab sent, and tolde Dauid all the thynges concernynge the warre, 19 and charged the messenger, sayenge: when thou hast made an ende of tellynge the matters of the warre vnto the kynge, 20 yf he begynne to fume, and saye vnto the: wherfore approched ye so nye vnto the cytie, whan ye dyd fyght? wyst ye not that they wolde hurle and shote from the wall? 21 who smote Abimelech sonne of Iereboseth? dyd not a woman cast a pece of a mylstone vpon hym from of the wall, and he dyed in Thebes? why went ye nye the wall? then saye thou? thy seruaunt Urias the Hethite is deed also.