7 Plucke vp yor hertes, and be strong: Be not afraied ner discouraged for the kyng of Assur, and for all the multitude that he hath with him: for there be moo with vs then with him.
8 With him is an arme of flesh. But with vs is the Lorde oure God, for to helpe vs, and to fyght oure batayles. And the people toke a courage thorow the wordes of Hezekia kyng of Iuda.
9 After thys dyd Sennacherib kynge of Assur send of hys seruauntes to Ierusalem, (but he hym selfe remayned besyde Lachis: hauyng all his power with him) vnto Hezekia kyng of Iuda and vnto all Iuda that were at Ierusalem, sayenge:
10 Thus sayeth Sennacherib kyng of Assur: wherin do ye trust, O ye that dwell in Ierusalem which is beseged?