2 Chronicles 29:31-36

Great(i) 31 And Hezekia answered, & sayde: nowe ye haue consecrate youre handes to the Lord: go to therfore, & bringe in the sacrifices & thankofferynges into the house of the Lorde. And the congregacyon brought in the sacrifyces & thanke offerynges & burntofferinges, as many as were of a fre liberall hart. 32 And the nombre of the burntofferinges which the congregacion brought, was .lxx. oxen, an hundred rammes, & two hundred shepe: which were, all for the burnt offeringe of the Lorde. 33 And ther were dedicated syxe hundred oxen, and thre thousande shepe. 34 And the preastes were to fewe, to fleye all the burnt offeringes: but their brethren the Leuites dyd helpe them, till they had ended the worke, and vntyll the preastes were sanctifyed. For the Leuites were purer herted to be sanctifyed then the preastes. 35 And therto the burnt offerynges were many with the fatte of the peace offeringes & the drinke offerynges that be longe to the burnt offerynge. And so the seruice pertayninge to the house of the Lorde was fynisshed. 36 And Hezekia reioysed & all the people, that God had made the folcke so readye: and that the thynge was so soone done.