2 Chronicles 29:31-36

Matthew(i) 31 And Hezekiah answered & sayd: now that ye haue fylled youre handes to the Lorde, go to and brynge in the sacrefyces and thankofferynges in to the house of the Lord. And the congregacion brought in the sacrefyces and thankofferynges, and all that were wyllyng brought burntofferynges. 32 And the numbre of the burntofferynges which the congregacion brought in was .lxx. oxen & an hundred rammes & two hundred lambes: & all for burntofferynges to the Lorde. 33 And besyde that they dedicated sixe hundred oxen and thre thousand shepe. 34 But the preastes were to few, and were not ably to fleye all the burntoffrynges. Wherefore theyre brethren the Leuites holpe them tyll the worke was ended, and vntill the preastes were sanctifyed. For the Leuites were purer herted to sanctifie them selues then the preastes. 35 And therto the burntoffrynges were manye with the fatte of the peace offerynges and the drynck offerynges that belonged to the burntofferynges. And so the seruyce pertaynynge to the house of the Lorde went forward. 36 And Hezekiah reioysed and all the people, that God had made the folcke so readye: for the thynge was sodenly done.