2 Chronicles 15:15-19

Great(i) 15 And all they in Iuda reioyced at the oth, for they had sworne vnto the Lorde, with all theyr herte, and sought hym with all theyr lust, and he was founde of them. And the Lorde gaue them rest rounde about on euery syde. 16 And kinge Asa put Maacha his mother out of auctorite, because she had made an abhominable ydoll in a groue: and Asa brake downe her ydoll, and stamped it, & burnt it at the broke Cedron. 17 But all the hylaulters were not taken awaye out of Israel: though the hert of Asa was perfecte all hys dayes. 18 And he brought into the house of God the thynges that hys father had dedicat, and that he hym selfe had dedicate: euen syluer, & golde, and Iewelles. 19 And ther was nomore warre vnto the .xxxv. yere of the raygne of Asa.