1 Chronicles 16:23-33

Great(i) 23 Synge vnto the Lorde all the erthe: and shewe from daye to daye hys Saluacyon. 24 Tell of hys glorye amonge the heithen: his wonderfull dedes amonge all nacyons. 25 For greate is the Lorde, and worthy to be praysed exceadyngly: he is to be feared aboue all Gods. 26 For all the Gods of the people are of no value: But the Lorde made heauen. 27 Prayse and honoure are in hys presence: strength and gladnes are in hys place. 28 Asscrybe vnto the Lorde ye kynredes of people, Asscrybe to the Lorde, glorye and domynion. 29 Asscrybe vnto the Lorde, the glorye due vnto hys name: brynge sacrifyces, and come before hym, and worshyppe the Lorde with holy honoure. 30 Let all the erth feare hym, all though the compase of the erth be so stablysshed that it cannot be moued: 31 let the heauens reioyse, and let the erth be glad, and lett men tell among the nacyons, that the Lorde is kynge. 32 Let the see thunder and the fulnesse therof lett the feldes reioyse, and all that is therin. 33 Then shall the trees of the wood reioyse at the presence of the Lorde, because he commeth to iudge the erth.