Matthew 14:2-14

Etheridge(i) 2 and he said to his servants, This is Juchanon the Baptizer: he hath risen from the house of the dead, therefore powerful works are wrought by him. 3 For he, Herodes, had seized Juchanon, and bound him, and cast him (into) the house of the chained, because of Herodia the wife of Philip his brother. 4 For Juchanon had said to him, It is not lawful that she should be to thee a wife. 5 And he would have killed him, but he feared the people, because as a prophet they held him. 6 But at the birth-day of Herodes, the daughter of Herodia danced before those who reclined, and she pleased Herodes; 7 wherefore with an oath he sware to her to give her whatever she should demand. 8 Then she, because instructed by her mother, said, Give me here in a dish the head of Juchanon the Baptizer. 9 And the king sickened, yet, on account of the oath and the guests, he commanded that it should be given to her. 10 And he sent [and] cut off the head of Juchanon in the house of the chained. 11 And his head was brought in a dish, and given to the girl, and she carried it herself to her mother. 12 And his disciples came near, took up his corpse, buried (it), and came and showed Jeshu. 13 Then Jeshu, when he heard, removed from thence by ship to a desert place by himself; and when the multitude heard it, they came after him on dry land from the cities. 14 And Jeshu came forth, and saw great multitudes, and felt compassion for them, and healed their diseases.