Matthew 2:2-9

ECB(i) 2 wording, Where is he who is birthed sovereign of the Yah Hudiym? For we saw his star in the rising and come to worship him. 3 When Herod the sovereign hears these, he is troubled - and all Yeru Shalem with him: 4 and he gathers all the archpriests and scribes of the people together; and inquires of them where the Messiah is birthed. 5 And they say to him, In Beth Lechem, Yah Hudah: for thus it is scribed through the prophet, 6 And you Beth Lechem, in the land of Yah Hudah, are not the least among the governors of Yah Hudah: for from you comes a Governor, to shepherd my people Yisra El. Michah 5:2 7 Then Herod secretly calls the magi and enquires of them precisely the time the star manifested. 8 And he sends them to Beth Lechem, and says, Go and investigate precisely for the young child; and when you find him, evangelize me; and I also come and worship him. 9 And they hear the sovereign, and depart; and behold, the star they see in the rising, precedes them, until it goes and stands over the young child: