Matthew 28:1-8

ECB(i) 1
In the eve of the shabbaths as it begins to dawn to the first of the shabbaths, Miryam the Magdalene and the other Miryam go to observe the tomb. 2 And behold, there is a mega quake: for the angel of Yah Veh descends from the heavens and comes and rolls the stone from the portal and sits on it: 3 his countenance is as lightning and his enduement white as snow: 4 and the guards quake in awe of him and become as dead. 5 And the angel answers the women, saying, Awe not: for I know you seek Yah Shua who was staked: 6 he is not here: for he rose exactly as he said: come, see the place where Adonay lay: 7 and go quickly and say to his disciples that he rose from the dead; and behold, he precedes you into Galiyl; and there you see him: behold, I have said to you. 8 And they depart quickly from the tomb with awe and mega cheer; and run to evangelize his disciples.