Judges 20:26-28

ECB(i) 26 And all the sons of Yisra El and all the people ascend and come to the house of Elohim and weep; and settle there at the face of Yah Veh; and fast that day until evening; and holocaust holocausts and shelamim at the face of Yah Veh. 27 And the sons of Yisra El ask of Yah Veh - for the ark of the covenant of Elohim is there in those days; 28 and Pinechas the son of El Azar the son of Aharon stands at the face of it in those days, saying, Go I yet again to war against the sons of Ben Yamin - my brother? Or cease? And Yah Veh says, Ascend; for tomorrow I give them into your hand.