39 He words to them, Come and see. They go and see where he abides; and abide with him that day - for it is about the tenth hour.
Andreas the brother of Shimon Petros - one of the two who heard from Yahn and follows him 41 first finds his own brother Shimon, and words to him, We found the Messias! - which translates, the Messiah. 42 And he brings him to Yah Shua: and Yah Shua looks at him, and says, You are Shimon the son of Yonah: you are called Kepha! - which translates, Petros. 43 On the morrow he wills to go to Galiyl and finds Philippos; and words to him, Follow me. 44 And Philippos is from Beth Sayad the city of Andreas and Petros: 45 Philippos finds Nathan El, and words to him, We found him who was scribed by Mosheh in the torah and in the prophets - Yah Shua of Nazareth, the son of Yoseph. 46 And Nathan El words to him, Can there be any good from Nazareth? Philippos words to him, Come and see.
Andreas the brother of Shimon Petros - one of the two who heard from Yahn and follows him 41 first finds his own brother Shimon, and words to him, We found the Messias! - which translates, the Messiah. 42 And he brings him to Yah Shua: and Yah Shua looks at him, and says, You are Shimon the son of Yonah: you are called Kepha! - which translates, Petros. 43 On the morrow he wills to go to Galiyl and finds Philippos; and words to him, Follow me. 44 And Philippos is from Beth Sayad the city of Andreas and Petros: 45 Philippos finds Nathan El, and words to him, We found him who was scribed by Mosheh in the torah and in the prophets - Yah Shua of Nazareth, the son of Yoseph. 46 And Nathan El words to him, Can there be any good from Nazareth? Philippos words to him, Come and see.