Concerning Qedar and concerning the sovereigndoms of Hazor, which Nebukadnets Tsar sovereign of Babel smote: Thus says Yah Veh: Rise; ascend to Qedar: and ravage the sons of the east. 29 They take their tents and their flocks: they bear their curtains to themselves with all their instruments and their camels: and they call out to them, Terror is all around! 30 Flee, bemoan mightily, settle deep, O you settlers of Hazor - an oracle of Yah Veh: for Nebukadnets Tsar sovereign of Babel counsels against you, and fabricates a fabrication against you. 31 Rise; ascend to the serene goyim who settle confidently - an oracle of Yah Veh with neither doors nor bars who tabernacle alone. 32 And their camels become a plunder and the multitude of their chattel a spoil: and I winnow them who chop the edges to all the winds; and I bring their calamity from all sides - an oracle of Yah Veh 33 and Hazor becomes a habitation of monsters and a desolation eternally: neither man settles there, nor a son of humanity sojourns therein.
Concerning Qedar and concerning the sovereigndoms of Hazor, which Nebukadnets Tsar sovereign of Babel smote: Thus says Yah Veh: Rise; ascend to Qedar: and ravage the sons of the east. 29 They take their tents and their flocks: they bear their curtains to themselves with all their instruments and their camels: and they call out to them, Terror is all around! 30 Flee, bemoan mightily, settle deep, O you settlers of Hazor - an oracle of Yah Veh: for Nebukadnets Tsar sovereign of Babel counsels against you, and fabricates a fabrication against you. 31 Rise; ascend to the serene goyim who settle confidently - an oracle of Yah Veh with neither doors nor bars who tabernacle alone. 32 And their camels become a plunder and the multitude of their chattel a spoil: and I winnow them who chop the edges to all the winds; and I bring their calamity from all sides - an oracle of Yah Veh 33 and Hazor becomes a habitation of monsters and a desolation eternally: neither man settles there, nor a son of humanity sojourns therein.