Jeremiah 49:28-33

Bishops(i) 28 As for Cedar and the kyngdome of Hazor, whom Nabuchodonozor the kyng of Babylon smote, the Lord hath spoken thus vpon them: Aryse, and get you vp vnto Cedar, and destroy the people towarde the east 29 Their tentes and their flockes shall they take away, yea their hanginges and their vessels, their camels also shall they cary away with them: they shall crye to them, feare is on euery syde 30 Flee, get you farre away, creepe into caues, that ye may dwell there O ye inhabiters of Hazor saith the Lorde: for Nabuchodonozor the kyng of Babylon hath holden a counsell concerning you, and concluded his deuice against you 31 Aryse and get you vp against yonder rythe and carelesse people saith the Lorde, whiche haue neither gates nor doore barres, but dwell alone 32 Their camels shalbe a pray, and the droues of their cattell driuen awaye: Moreouer, those wil I scatter towarde all the wyndes, and to the farthest partes of the worlde, yea from all the sides therof will I bryng their destruction, saith the Lorde 33 Hazor also shalbe a dwelling for dragons, and an euerlasting wyldernesse, so that no body shall dwell there, and no man shall haue there his habitation