1 Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, where neither the evil days come nor the years touch; when you say, I delight not in them.
2 While neither the sun, or the light, or the moon, or the stars, darken; and the thick clouds return after the downpour;
3 in the day the guards of the house agitate and the valiant men twist and the grinders cease because they diminished; and they who look from the windows darken;
4 and the doors in the streets shut: when the voice of the grinding is low and he rises at the voice of the bird and all the daughters of song prostrate;
5 and they awe the heights with terrors in the way; and the almond tree flourishes; and the locust becomes a burden; and desire breaks down because humanity goes to his eternal house and the choppers turn around the streets:
6 ere the silver cord is not removed; or the golden bowl broken; or the pitcher broken at the fountain; or the wheel cracked at the well:
7 and the dust returns to the earth as it was; and the spirit returns to Elohim who gave.