20 And he says, The Yah Hudiym covenanted to ask you to bring Paulos down to the sanhedrim tomorrow, as though to enquire somewhat more exactly of him:
21 so let them not convince you: for more than forty of their men lurk for him, who anathematized themselves to neither eat nor drink until they take him out: and now they are prepared - awaiting a pre-evangelism from you.
22 So indeed, the chiliarch releases the youth, and evangelizes him, You, divulge to no one that you manifest these to me.
And he calls two centurions, saying, Prepare two hundred warriors to go to Kaisaria and seventy horsemen and two hundred right receivers from the third hour of the night; 24 and present animals for Paulos to mount to bring him safe to Phelix the governor. 25 And he scribes an epistle containing this type: 26 Claudius Lysias: To the most powerful governor Phelix: Cheers. 27 This man was taken by the Yah Hudiym, and they were about to take him out: and having learned he is a Roman I stood by with warriors and released him: 28 and when I willed to know the cause for which they accused him, I brought him to their sanhedrim: 29 and I found him to be accused of questions about their torah; but to have no accusation worthy of death or of bonds: 30 and when it was disclosed how the Yah Hudiym plotted for the man, I immediately sent to you, and also evangelized to his accusers to word to you what they have against him. Farewell. 31 So indeed the warriors, as they were ordained, take Paulos, and bring him through the night to Antipatris: 32 and on the morrow, they allow the cavalry to go with him and return to the encampment: 33 who, when they enter Kaisaria, and give the epistle to the governor, they also present Paulos in front of him. 34 And the governor reads, and he asks of what province he is. And when he asks, he says, Of Cilicia. 35 And he says, I hear you patiently when your accusers also come. - and he summons him to be guarded in the praetorium of Herod.
And he calls two centurions, saying, Prepare two hundred warriors to go to Kaisaria and seventy horsemen and two hundred right receivers from the third hour of the night; 24 and present animals for Paulos to mount to bring him safe to Phelix the governor. 25 And he scribes an epistle containing this type: 26 Claudius Lysias: To the most powerful governor Phelix: Cheers. 27 This man was taken by the Yah Hudiym, and they were about to take him out: and having learned he is a Roman I stood by with warriors and released him: 28 and when I willed to know the cause for which they accused him, I brought him to their sanhedrim: 29 and I found him to be accused of questions about their torah; but to have no accusation worthy of death or of bonds: 30 and when it was disclosed how the Yah Hudiym plotted for the man, I immediately sent to you, and also evangelized to his accusers to word to you what they have against him. Farewell. 31 So indeed the warriors, as they were ordained, take Paulos, and bring him through the night to Antipatris: 32 and on the morrow, they allow the cavalry to go with him and return to the encampment: 33 who, when they enter Kaisaria, and give the epistle to the governor, they also present Paulos in front of him. 34 And the governor reads, and he asks of what province he is. And when he asks, he says, Of Cilicia. 35 And he says, I hear you patiently when your accusers also come. - and he summons him to be guarded in the praetorium of Herod.