1 Chronicles 15:15-28

ECB(i) 15 and the sons of the Leviym bear the ark of Elohim on their shoulders with yoke poles as Mosheh misvahed according to the word of Yah Veh. 16 And David says to the governor of the Leviym to stand their brothers the singers with instruments of song - bagpipes and harps and cymbals to be heard by lifting the voice with cheer. 17 And the Leviym stand Heman the son of Yah El: and of his brothers, Asaph the son of Berech Yah; and of the sons of Merari their brothers, Ethan the son of Qusha Yah; 18 and with them their brothers of the second, Zechar Yah, Ben and Yaazi El and Shemi Ramoth and Yechi El and Unni, Eli Ab and Bena Yah and Maase Yah and Mattith Yah and Eli Phelehu and Miqne Yah. And Obed Edom and Yei El, the porters. 19 And the singers, Heman, Asaph and Ethan are heard with cymbals of copper. 20 And Zechar Yah and Azi El and Shemi Ramoth and Yechi El and Unni and Eli Ab and Maase Yah and Bena Yah with bagpipes besides virgins. 21 And Mattith Yah and Eli Phelehu and Miqne Yah and Obed Edom and Yei El and Azaz Yah with harps on the octave to oversee. 22 And Kenan Yah governor of the Leviym is for burden: he disciplines about the burden because he discerns. 23 And Berech Yah and El Qanah are porters for the ark. 24 And Sheban Yah and Yah Shaphat and Nethan El and Amasay and Zechar Yah and Bena Yah and Eli Ezer the priests trumpet the trumpets at the face of the ark of Elohim. And Obed Edom and Yechi Yah are porters for the ark. 25 And David and the elders of Yisra El and the governors over thousands, go to ascend the ark of the covenant of Yah Veh from the house of Obed Edom with cheer. 26 And so be it, Elohim helps the Leviym who bear the ark of the covenant of Yah Veh; and they sacrifice seven bullocks and seven rams. 27 And David cloaks himself and all the Leviym who bear the ark and the singers and Kenan Yah the governor of the burden of the singers with a mantle of bleached linen; and an ephod of linen on David. 28 And all Yisra El ascends the ark of the covenant of Yah Veh with shouting and with voice of the shophar - with trumpets and with cymbals, heard with bagpipes and harps.