Psalms 50:8-18

Coverdale(i) 8 I reproue the not because of thy sacrifice, yi burntofferinges are allwaye before me. 9 I wil take no bullockes out of thy house, ner gotes out of thy foldes. 10 For all the beestes of the felde are myne, and thousandes of catell vpon the hilles. 11 I knowe all the foules vpon the mountaynes, and the wilde beastes of the felde are in my sight. 12 Yf I be hongrie, I wil not tell the: for ye whole worlde is myne, and all that therin is. 13 Thynkest thou, that I wil eate the flesh of oxen, or drynke the bloude of goates? 14 Offre vnto God prayse and thankesgeuynge, and paye thy vowes vnto the most hyest. 15 And call vpo me in the tyme of trouble, so wil I heare the, that thou shalt thanke me. 16 But vnto the vngodly sayeth God: Why doest thou preach my lawes, and takest my couenaunt in thy mouth? 17 Where as thou hatest to be refourmed, and castest my wordes behynde the? 18 Yf thou seist a thefe, thou runnest with him, and art partaker with the aduouterers.