Proverbs 6:6-19

Coverdale(i) 6 Go to the Emmet (thou slogarde) cosidre hir wayes, & lerne to be wyse. 7 She hath no gyde, no teacher, no leder: 8 yet in the sommer she prouideth hir meate, & gathereth hir foode together i ye haruest. 9 How loge wilt thou slepe, thou slogish ma? Wha wilt thou aryse out of thy slepe? 10 Yee slepe on still a litle, slober a litle, folde thine handes together yet a litle, that thou mayest slepe: 11 so shal pouerte come vnto the as one yt trauayleth by the waye, & necessite like a wapened man. 12 A dissemblynge person, a wicked man goeth with a frowarde mouth: 13 he wyncketh with his eyes, he tokeneth wt his fete, he poynteth wt his fyngers, 14 he is euer ymageninge myschefe & frowardnesse in his hert, & causeth discorde. 15 Therfore shal his destruccion come hastely vpo him, sodenly shal he be all tobroken, and not be healed. 16 There be sixe thinges, which the LORDE hateth, & the seuenth he vtterly abhorreth: 17 A proude loke, a dyssemblynge tonge, hades that shed innocent bloude, 18 an herte yt goeth aboute wt wicked ymaginacios, fete that be swift in rennynge to do myschefe, 19 a false wytnesse yt bringeth vp lyes, & soch one as soweth discorde amonge brethren.