Numbers 7:84-88

Coverdale(i) 84 This is ye dedicacion of the altare, what tyme as it was anoynted, vnto the which ye captaynes of Israel offered these twolue syluer chargers, twolue syluer boules, twolue spones of golde: 85 euery charger conteynynge an hudreth and thirtie Sycles of syluer, and euery boule seuentye Sycles. So that ye summe of all the syluer in the vessels, was two thousande and foure hundreth Sycles (after the Sycle of the Sanctuary). 86 And the twolue spones of golde full of incense, conteyned euery one ten Sycles, after the Sycle of the Sanctuary: So that the summe of the golde in the spones, was an hundreth and twentye Sycles. 87 The summe of the catell for the burntofferinges, was twolue bullockes, twolue rammes, twolue labes of a yeare olde with their meatofferinges: And twolue he goates for synnofferinges. 88 And the summe of the catell for the healthofferinges, was foure and twetye oxen, thre score rammes, and thre score he goates, thre score labes of a yeare olde. This is the dedicacion of the altare, after that it was anoynted.