Numbers 6:2-7

Coverdale(i) 2 Speake vnto the children of Israel, and saye vnto them: Whan a man or woman separateth them selues, to vowe a vowe of abstinence vnto the LORDE, 3 he shal absteyne from wyne and stroge drynke. Vyneger of wyne & of stronge drynke shal he not drynke, ner that is pressed out of grapes: he shall nether eate fresh ner drye grapes, so longe as his abstinence endureth. 4 Morouer he shall eate nothinge that is made of the vyne tre, from the wyne cornels vnto the hulle. 5 As longe as the vowe of his abstynence endureth, there shall no rasoure come vpon his heade, tyll the tyme be out which he absteyneth vnto the LORDE, for he is holy. And he shall let the heer of his heade growe, and stonde bare openly. 6 All the tyme ouer yt he absteyneth vnto the LORDE, shal he go to no deed. 7 Nether shal he defyle him self at ye death of his father, of his mother, of his brother, or of his sister. For the abstinence of his God is vpon his heade,