Numbers 6:2-7

Bishops(i) 2 Speake vnto the children of Israel, and say vnto them: Whe either man or woman doth seperate them selues to vowe a vowe of a Nazarite, to seperate them selues vnto the Lorde 3 He shall seperate him selfe from wine and strong drynke, and shall drynke no vineger of wine or of strong drinke, nor shall drinke whatsoeuer is pressed out of grapes, and shall eate no freshe grapes, neither yet dried 4 As long as his abstinence endureth, shall he eate nothyng that is made of the vine tree, or of the cornels, or of the huske of the grape 5 And as long as he voweth and is seperated, there shall not rasure come vpon his head, vntyll his dayes be out in the which he seperateth hym selfe vnto the Lorde, he shalbe holy, and shall let the lockes of his heere growe 6 As long as he seperateth hym selfe vnto the Lorde, he shall come at no dead body 7 He shall not make hym selfe vncleane at the death of his father, mother, brother, or sister: because that the consecration of his God is vpon his head