Numbers 18:24-32

Coverdale(i) 24 For ye tithes of the childre of Israel, which they Heue vnto ye LORDE, haue I geuen vnto the Leuites for an heretage. Therfore haue I sayde vnto them, that they shall inheret no inheritannce amonge the children of Israel. 25 And ye LORDE talked wt Moses, & saide: 26 Speake to the Leuites, & saye vnto them: Wha ye take of ye childre of Israel ye tithes, yt I haue geuen you of the for yor inheritauce, ye shal take an Heueofferinge of the same vnto the LORDE, euen the tenth of the tithe. 27 And the same yor Heueofferynge shall ye reken, as though ye gaue corne out of the barne, and fullnesse out of the wynepresse. 28 Thus shal ye geue an Heueofferynge vnto the LORDE of all yor tithes, which ye take of the children of Israel, yt ye maie geue the same Heueofferynge of ye LORDE, vnto Aaro ye prest. 29 And all yt ye geue of ye tythes, & halowe vnto ye LORDE for a gifte, ye same shall be his of the best. 30 And saye thou vnto them: Whan ye thus Heue vp ye fat therof, it shalbe rekened vnto the Leuites as the increace of the barne, and as the increace of the wine presse. 31 And ye maye eate it in all places, ye & yor children: for it is youre rewarde for youre seruyce in the Tabernacle of witnesse: 32 and ye shal not lade synne vpon you in the same, whan ye Heue the fat therof, and vnhalowe not the halowed thinges of the children of Israel, and ye shal not dye.