36 And the LORDE spake vnto Moses, & sayde:
37 Speake to Eleasar ye sonne of Aaron ye prest, yt he take vp ye censers out of ye burninge, & scater ye fyre here & there
38 (For the censers of these synners are halowed thorow their soules) yt they maye be beate in to thinne plates, & fastened vpon ye altare. For they are offred before ye LORDE, & halowed: and they shalbe a token vnto ye childre of Israel.
39 And Eleasar the prest toke ye brasen censers which they yt were burnt, had offred, & bet the to plates, to fasten the vpon ye altare
40 for a remebraunce vnto ye children of Israel yt no straunger (and he that is not of ye sede of Aaron) come nye to offre incense before the LORDE, yt it happe not vnto him as vnto Corah and his companye, acordynge as the LORDE sayde vnto him by Moses.