36 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses, saying:
37 Speake vnto Eleazar the sonne of Aaron the preaste, that he take vp the censers oute of the burnynge, and skatter the fyer here and there,
38 for the censers of these synners are halowed in theyr deathes: and let them make of them thinne beaten plates for a coueryng of the aultare. For they offered them before the Lord, and therfore they are halowed, and they shalbe a sygne vnto the chyldren of Israel.
39 And Eleazar the preast toke the brasen censers which they that were burnt had offered, and beate them thinne for a couering of the aultare,
40 to be a remembraunce vnto the chyldren of Israel, that no straunger which is not of the seed of Aaron, come nere to offer cens before the Lord, that it happen not vnto hym lyke as vnto Corah and hys companye, as the Lorde sayde of him by the hande of Moses.