8 Take hede, brynge forth due frutes of repetauce, & begynne not to saye: We haue Abraha to or father. For I saye vnto you: God is able of these stones to rayse vp children vnto Abraham.
9 The axe is put vnto the tre allready: so that euery tre which bryngeth not forth good frute, shalbe hewen downe, and cast in to the fyre.
10 And the people axed him, and sayde: What shal we do then?
11 He answered, & sayde vnto the: He that hath two coates, let him parte wt him yt hath none: and he that hath meate, let him do likewyse.
12 The publicans came also, to be baptysed and sayde vnto him: Master, what shal we do?
13 He sayde vnto them: Requyre nomore, then is appoynted you.
14 Then ye soudyours axed him likewyse, and sayde: What shal we do then? And he sayde vnto the: Do no man violence ner wronge, and be content with youre wages.