Luke 3:8 Cross References - Coverdale

8 Take hede, brynge forth due frutes of repetauce, & begynne not to saye: We haue Abraha to or father. For I saye vnto you: God is able of these stones to rayse vp children vnto Abraham.

Joshua 4:3-8

3 from the place where the fete of the prestes stode in their araye: & cary them with you, yt ye maie leaue them in ye lodginge, where ye shal lodge this night. 4 The Iosua called twolue me which were prepared of the children of Israel, out of euery trybe one, 5 & sayde vnto the: Go youre waye ouer before the Arke of the LORDE youre God in the myddes of Iordane, & take euery man a stone vpon his shulder, after the nombre of the trybes of ye children of Israel, 6 yt they maye be a token amonge you. And whan youre children are their fathers here after, and saye: What do these stones there? 7 That ye maye then saye vnto them, how that the water of Iordane claue in sunder before the Arke of the LORDES couenaunt, whan it wente thorow Iordane, & that these stones are set for a perpetuall remembraunce vnto the children of Israel. 8 Then dyd the children of Israel as Iosua commaunded them, and bare twolue stones out of the myddes of Iordane (as the LORDE had sayde vnto Iosua) acordinge to the nombre of the trybes of the children of Israel, and broughte the same with them in to the lodginge, and lefte them there.

Isaiah 1:16-18

16 Wash you, make you clene, put awaye yor euell thoughtes out of my sight, cease from doinge of euell and violence. 17 Lerne to do right, applie youre selues to equyte, delyuer the oppressed, helpe the fatherlesse to his right, let the wydowes complaynte come before you. 18 Now go to (saieth the LORDE) we wil talke together. Is it not so? Though youre synnes be as read as scarlet, shal they not be whyter then snowe? And though they were like purple, shall they not be like whyte woll?

Isaiah 48:1-2

1 Heare this, O thou house of Iacob: ye yt are called by the name of Israel, and are come out of one stocke wt Iuda: which sweare by the name of the LORDE, and beare witnesse by the God of Israel (but not wt treuth and right) 2 which are called fre men of the holy citie, as they that loke for conforth in the God of Israel, whose name is the LORDE of hoostes.

Jeremiah 7:4-10

4 Trust not in false lyenge wordes, sayenge: here is the temple of the LORDE, here is the temple of the LORDE, here is the temple of the LORDE. 5 For yf ye will amende youre waies and councels, yf ye wil iudge right betwixte a man and his neghboure: 6 yf ye wil not oppresse the straunger, the fatherles & the wyddowe: yf ye will not shed innocent bloude in this place: yf ye wil not cleue to strauge goddes to youre owne destruction: 7 then wil I let you dwell in this place, yee in the londe that I gaue afore tyme vnto youre fathers for euer. 8 But take hede, yee trust in councels, that begyle you and do you no good. 9 For when ye haue stolle, murthured, committed aduoutrie, and periury: Whe ye haue offred vnto Baal, folowinge straunge & vnknowne goddes: 10 Then come ye, and stonde before me in this house (which hath my name geuen vnto it) and saye: Tush, we are absolued quyte, though we haue done all these abhominacions.

Ezekiel 18:27-31

27 Agayne: when the wicked man turneth awaye from his wickednesse, that he hath done, and doth the thinge which is equall and right: he shal saue his soule alyue. 28 For in so moch as he remembreth himself, and turneth him from all the vngodlynes, that he hath vsed, he shall lyue, and not dye. 29 And yet saieth the house of Israel: Tush, the waye of the LORDE is not equall. Are my wayes vnright, o ye house of Israel? Are not youre wayes rather vnequall? 30 As for me, I wil iudge euery man, acordinge to his wayes, O ye house of Israel, saieth the LORDE God. Wherfore, be conuerted, and turne you clene from all youre wickednesse, so shal there no synne do you harme. 31 Cast awaye fro you all youre vngodlynesse, that ye haue done: make you new hertes and a new sprete. Wherfore wil ye dye, O ye house of Israel?

Matthew 8:11-12

11 But I say vnto you: Many shall come from the east and west, and shall rest with Abraham, Isaac and Iacob in the kyngdome of heauen: 12 and the chyldren of the kyngdome shalbe cast out in to vtter darcknes: there shalbe wepinge & gnasshing of teth.

Matthew 21:43

43 Therfore I saie vnto you: The kingdome of God shalbe take fro you, & shalbe geue vnto the Heithe, which shal brynge forth ye frutes of it.

Luke 13:28-29

28 There shalbe wepynge and gnasshinge of teth, when ye shal se Abraham, and Isaac, and Iacob and all the prophetes in ye kyngdome of God, and youre selues thrust out, 29 And wha they shal come from the east and from the west, from the north and from the south, which shal syt at ye table in the kyngdome of God.

Luke 16:23-31

23 Now whan he was in the hell, he lift vp his eyes in the payne, and sawe Abraham afarre of, and Lazarus in his bosome: 24 and he cried, and sayde: Father Abraham, haue mercy vpon me, and sende Lazarus, that he maye dyppe the typpe of his fynger in water, & coole my tonge, for I am tormeted in this flame. 25 But Abraha saide: Remebre sonne, yt thou hast receaued good in yi life, & contrary wyse Lazarus receaued euell. But now is he comforted, and thou art tormented. 26 And beside all this, there is a greate space set betwene vs and you: so yt they which wolde go downe from hence vnto you, cannot: nether maye they passe ouer from thence vnto vs. 27 Then sayde he: I pray the then father, that thou wilt sende him vnto my fathers house, 28 for I haue yet fyue brethren, that he maye warne them, lest they also come in to this place of torment. 29 Abraham sayde vnto him: They haue Moses and the prophetes, let them heare them. 30 But he sayde: Nay father Abraham, but yf one wente vnto them fro the deed, they wolde do pennaunce. 31 Neuertheles he sayde vnto him: Yf they heare not Moses & the prophetes, then shal they not beleue also, though one rose agayne fro the deed.

Luke 19:40

40 And he answered and sayde vnto them: I tell you, yf these holde their peace, yet shal the stones crye.

John 8:33

33 Then answered they him: We are Abrahams sede, we were neuer bonde to eny man, how sayest thou then: Ye shal be fre?

John 8:39

39 They answered, and sayde vnto him: Abraham is oure father. Iesus sayde vnto them: Yf ye were Abrahams children, ye wolde do the dedes of Abraham.

Acts 26:20

20 but shewed it first vnto them at Damascon, and at Ierusale, and in all the coastes of Iewry, and to the Heythen, that they shulde do pennaunce, and turne vnto God, and to do the righte workes of pennaunce.

Romans 4:16

16 Therfore was the promes made thorow fayth, that it myght come off fauoure, wherby the promesse myghte be made sure vnto all the sede: not onely vnto him which is off the lawe, but also vnto him that is of the faith of Abraha which is the father of vs all.

Romans 9:7

7 nether are they all children, because they are the sede of Abraham: but in Isaac shal the sede be called

2 Corinthians 7:10-11

10 For godly sorowe causeth repentaunce vnto saluacion, not to be repented of: but worldly sorowe causeth death. 11 Beholde, where as ye haue had godly sorowe, what diligence hath it wrought in you? Yee a sufficiet answere, displeasure, feare, desyre, a feruet mynde, punyshment. For in all poyntes ye haue shewed youre selues, that ye are cleare in that matter.

Galatians 3:28-29

28 Here is nether Iewe ner Greke: here is nether bode ner fre: here is nether man ner woman, for ye are all one in Christ Iesu. 29 Yf ye be Christes, the are ye Abrahas sede and heyres acordynge to the promes.

Galatians 5:22-24

22 But the frute of the sprete, is loue, ioye, peace, longe sufferinge, getlenes, goodnesse, faithfulnes, 23 mekenesse, teperaunce, Agaynst soch is not ye lawe: 24 But they that are Christes, haue crucified their flesh, with the lustes and desyres.

Philippians 1:11

11 fylled with the frutes of righteousnes, which come by Iesus Christ vnto the glorye and prayse of God.

Hebrews 6:7-8

7 For the earth, that drynketh in the rayne, which commeth oft vpon it, and bringeth forth herbes mete for them that dresse it, receaueth blessynge of God: 8 But yt grounde which beareth thornes and thistles, is nothinge worth, and nye vnto cursynge: whose ende is to be brent.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.