Luke 3:8-14

Great(i) 8 Brynge forth therfore due frutes of repentaunce, & begyn not to saye wyth in youre selues: we haue Abraham to oure father. For I saye vnto you. God is able of these stones to reyse vp chyldren vnto Abraham. 9 Now also is the axe leyde vnto the rote of the trees: euery tree therfore which bryngeth not forth good frute, is hewen doune, & cast into the fyre. 10 And the people asked him, sayinge: what shall we do then? 11 He answereth and sayeth, vnto them: He that hath two coates? lett him parte wyth hym that hath none, & he that hath meate, let him do lyke wyse. 12 Then cam the publicans also to be baptised, & sayde vnto him: Master, what shal we do? 13 And he sayde vnto them: requyre no more, then that which is appoynted vnto you. 14 The soudyoures lykewyse demaunded of him, sayinge: and what shall we do? And he sayde vnto them: hurt no man: nether trouble eny man wrongfully: and be content with youre wages.