Judges 15:14-20

Coverdale(i) 14 And whan he came vnto Lechi, the Philistynes shouted, and rane vnto him. But ye sprete of ye LORDE came vpon him, & the coardes aboute his armes were like thredes burnt in the fyre, so yt the bondes were lowsed from his hondes. 15 And he founde the cheke bone of a deed asse: then put he forth his hande, and toke it, & slewe a thousande men therwith: 16 And Samson sayde: With an olde asses cheke bone, yee eue with the cheke bone of an asse haue I slayne a thousande men. 17 And whan he had sayde yt, he cast ye cheke bone out of his hande, & called the place Ramath Lechi. 18 But wha he was sore a thyrst, he called vpo the LORDE, & saide: Soch greate health hast thou geue by the hade of thy seruaunt, but now must I dye a thyrst, & fall in to ye hande of ye vncircucised. 19 The God opened a gometothe in ye chekebone, so yt water wete out: & whan he dranke, his sprete came agayne, & he was refresshed. Therfore vnto this daye it is yet called ye well of ye cheke bone of him yt made intercession. 20 And he iudged Israel in the tyme of the Philistynes twetye yeare.