14 And whan he came vnto Lechi, the Philistynes shouted, and rane vnto him. But ye sprete of ye LORDE came vpon him, & the coardes aboute his armes were like thredes burnt in the fyre, so yt the bondes were lowsed from his hondes.
Judges 15:14 Cross References - Coverdale
Exodus 14:3
3 For Pharao shall saye of the children of Israel: They can not tell how to get out of the londe, the wyldernesse hath shut them in.
Exodus 14:5
5 And whan it was tolde ye kinge of Egipte, yt ye people fled, his hert & his seruauntes were turned agaynst ye people, & saide: Why haue we done this, that we haue let Israel go, yt they shulde not serue vs?
Judges 3:10
10 And the sprete of the LORDE came vpon him, & he was iudge in Israel, & wente out a warre fare. And ye LORDE delyuered Cusan Risathaim the kynge of Syria in to his hade, so yt his hande was to stroge for him.
Judges 5:30
30 Shulde they not finde & deuide the spoyle, vnto euery man a fayre mayde or two for a pray, & partye coloured garmetes of nedle worke to Sissera for a spoyle, partye coloured garmentes of nedle worke aboute the necke for a pray?
Judges 14:6
6 And the sprete of the LORDE came vpon him, and he rente him in peces, euen as a kydd is parted a sunder, and yet had he nothinge at all in his hade, and he tolde it not vnto his father & his mother.
Judges 14:19
19 And the sprete of ye LORDE came vpon him, and he wente downe vnto Ascalon, and slewe thirtie men of them, & toke their spoyles, and gaue chaunge of rayment vnto the, yt had expounded the ryddle. And he was wrothfully displeased, & wente vp vnto his fathers house.
Judges 16:9
9 (But there was wayte layed for him besyde her in the chamber) and she sayde vnto him: The Pilistynes vpon the Samson. Neuertheles he brake the roapes in sunder, eue as a twyned threde breaketh, whan it hath catched the heate of the fyre. And it was not knowne wherin his strength was.
Judges 16:12
12 Then toke Dalila new coardes, & bounde him withall, and sayde: The Philistynes vpo the Samson (but there was wayte layed for him in the chamber.) And he brake them from his armes, euen as it had bene a threde.
Judges 16:24
24 Like wyse whan ye people sawe him, they praysed their god, & sayde: Oure god hath delyuered in to oure handes oure enemye, yt destroyed oure londe, & slewe many of vs.
1 Samuel 4:5
5 And whan the Arke of the couenaunt of the LORDE came in to the hoost, all Israel shouted wt a greate shoute, so that the earth sounded withall.
1 Samuel 11:6
6 Then came the sprete of God vpon him, whan he had herde these wordes, and his wrath was sore moued,
1 Samuel 17:35
35 then wente I forth after him, and smote him, and delyuered it out of his mouth. And whan he wolde haue bene vpon me, I toke him by his beerde, and smote him, and slewe him.
Job 20:5
5 the prayse of the vngodly hath bene shorte, and that the ioye of Ypocrytes continued but ye twincklinge of an eye?
Psalms 18:34
34 He teacheth myne hondes to fight, and maketh myne armes to breake euen a bowe off stele.
Psalms 118:11
11 They kepte me in on euery syde, but in the name of the LORDE, I wil destroye them.
Micah 7:8
8 O thou enemie of myne, reioyce not at my fall, for I shal get vp agayne: and though I syt in darcknesse, yet ye LORDE is my light.
Zechariah 4:6
6 He answered, & sayde vnto me: This is the worde of the LORDE vnto Zorobabel, sayenge: Nether thorow an hoost of men, ner thorow stregth, but thorow my sprete, saieth ye LORDE of hoostes.
Philippians 4:3
3 Yee and I beseke the my faithfull yock felowe, helpe the wemen, which haue laboured with me in the Gospell, with Clement & with my other helpers, whose names are in the boke of life.